Monday, April 20, 2015

Check it off the list!

Boy, do I love a good checklist!  The laundry can be checked off, the errands are done, and hopefully by the end of the day, I will have checked off writing a blog update!  Feelings of such accomplishment and joy. 
   So for the question you all have been asking... what is the adoption update?  Where are we at on the "To Do" list?  Good, fair question, but I am not too sure the answer.  From my perspective, the checklist is completed.  Or is it?  The paperwork is done here.  The translation is completed. It now is in Legalization sitting on someone else's checklist.  However, God has recently laid on my heart again a "checklist" that I began this journey with, but I have laid aside.  Galatians 5:22 "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience"... And the list comes to a screeching halt at patience.  I have realized that I know very little about Patience.  So the last few months I have been researching, studying, and trying to grasp a better understanding of Patience.  
1.  The first thing that smacked me in the face was I had to take it off the "To Do" list!  It can never be checked off the list.  I can never "do" it.  It will never happen on my timeline- hence, the very need for patience. 
2.  Patience often does not increased by prayer.  I can pray for my heart to change and learn to love on my children more, show kindness to a neighbor, or be gentle to a broken, hurting soul.  These are actions and fruits within me.  I am careful not to pray for unexpected situations or trials just so my patience will be strengthened.
3. Patience is a fruit that will increase through testing.  I must accept the experience and learn to "wait well."  I struggle to wait only because my mind begins to create solutions in how to fix things, manipulate situations, and even change people.  The adoption process has blatantly revealed me doing all of these things.  Joyce Meyers' Life Teaching Tool said, "Frustration is trying to make something happen that only God can do."  It becomes a choice of becoming constantly frustrated or obedient in the testing and maturing of patience.
   So how do I "wait well?"  I believe God himself is Patient.  He waits as I sin and fall short everyday. He patiently picks me up, dusts me off, and patiently waits- again.  I believe God is waiting for His people to return to Him.  Many bad things are happening in this world because of our free-will and choices, but God still patiently waits.  How does He wait? He waits while always being present.  "And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever- the Spirit of truth.  The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him.  But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you.  I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you." John 14:16-18 
     As I am being refined in this process, my prayer is to be present while my patience is tested.  May I find joy in today and stop planning out tomorrow.  May I learn to focus on the present and not become frustrated in my lack of control of the future.  May I depend on my Ever-Present Advocate and bear the fruit of Patience.
    So what is the adoption update?  Be patient.
God still has a lot of work to do IN me and THROUGH me.  But rest assured- God is still ever-present and working for the good of those who love him, and who have been called according to his purpose. (Romans 8:28)

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Everything is New- or is it?

     Happy New Year from the Sallade family!  December was a great month full of many praises and celebrations.  All the events surrounding the birth of our Savior were fun and cherished.  Time with family and reacquainting with friends are always precious memories.  As we anticipated Jesus' birth, it was a season of feeling overwhelmed and humbled to serve such an Almighty King!  In less than six weeks, the Provider and Father gathered His resources and has made ready over 2/3 of our adoption expenses.  Praise Be To God! There is no other explanation!  He is faithful to His promises- He CAN what we CAN'T! (Philippines 4:13)  The Father's heart is generous and abundant.  Thank you to the many people who listened to the Spirit's prompt.  The donations have been mind-blowing, but we also covet your prayers.  The provisions God has given are clear confirmations and stir an unspeakable peace that pushes us forward.  As God reveals and provides for us today, it gives me even greater confidence He will continue to guide and provide for us eighteen years from now when we are still on this parenting journey.
     January 1st brings refreshing newness.  It is a new feeling to see our dining room table again as numerous, scattered dossier papers are now gone.  In addition, new clothes, new toys, newly rearranged house after we put the Christmas decorations away, a new clean slate as we begin our New Year's resolutions and goals for 2015.  I love the feeling of "new" but I ultimately know that "new" means hope.  Hope in the One that always keeps His promises.  I have been challenged this year by a verse I have heard many times.  "If any man be in Christ, he is a new creation: old things are passed away; behold, all things are becoming new." (2 Corinthians 5:17)  I normally focus on the new creation and the struggle to keep the old things dead.  This year I am thinking differently and focusing on the last part of that verse.  "All things are becoming new."  Becoming is a journey.  I really can relate to a journey.  I have planned, packed, prepared, and participated in many road trips as recently as our Christmas travels.  However, obviously on this journey, I haven't arrived yet (because I am not dancing in heaven yet), but I must also remember that other things of this world are still becoming too.
     Our dossier papers have been submitted to the Haitian department for translation.  However, my heart continues to ache for the country of Haiti.  January 12th marked the five year anniversary of the 2010 devastating earthquake.  The UNICEF estimates there are 430,000 Haitian orphans.  In addition, the potential elections scheduled to occur on January 12, 2015 did not take place.  The government and country is in significant unrest.  I pray that the country is becoming- new, prosperous, and blessed with the gospel.  I pray that the orphans are becoming- beautiful, hope-filled missionaries on fire for Jesus.  Please join with me in prayer for the people of Haiti as many continue to search and seek this newness that only comes from Christ.
     I anxiously await newness.  Of course, I often add my own thoughts to this verse.  "everything is becoming new, BUT ____ or EXCEPT ____"  In my own sin, I doubt and underestimate the power and authority of Jesus to make "everything new." (period.)
     So this year, no goals (sorry Dad, sorry Steven Covey).  This year I am "becoming."  I am becoming a student of the Word.  I am becoming a prayer warrior for my family.  I am becoming a healthier missionary in spreading the gospel.  Last but not least, this year I am becoming a more loving, patient mommy.  What are you becoming?