Sunday, November 30, 2014

Miracles come in "CANS"

    We are excited you are joining us on our journey of adoption!
The bible clearly states, "I CAN do all things through Christ who gives me strength." Philippians 4:13  Joyce Meyers says, "Miracles only come in CANS."  I will do what I CAN and allow God to do whatever I can't. I CAN open my home to another child; I CAN fill out paperwork; I CAN humbly accept help... but I must allow God to do what I can't.  Adoption expenses are estimated at $34,000.  A miracle of $34,000 will only be explained through a work of God.
      I have never been good at math, numbers, or equations. Now I understand why. God has equipped or UNequipped me with that logical part of the brain that tries to make sense of the cost involved in adoption. The numbers "just don't add up," but I am kind of used to that. :)  However, I do not believe that this is supposed to add up nicely and equal a nice, earthly equation.  Then God would be left out of such an equation. The miracle of life is not a simple equation.  It can only be explained by a detailed Creator of the Universe. Therefore, the miracle of adoption is not a simple math equation either. It can only be explained by the True Father to the Fatherless.  Only He can orchestrate such a complex process over language barriers, cultural differences, spiritual warfare, and financial obstacles.
      What is the math equation? Our family is being called to adopt, and it is time to open the miracle CAN. I CAN ask you for donations.  We have established an account with 'Adopt Together' a non-profit organization that allows you to give a tax-deductible gift towards our adoption expenses.  The button will directly link you to our account.  I CAN encourage you to sponsor garage sales, organize pancake breakfasts, set up raffles and auctions, or host home parties on our behalf.  You CAN help us by contact other resources to spread the word.  Like our blog and share it on Facebook.  Then we will pray and watch as God completes HIS equation by doing things we CAN'T possibly think or imagine.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

One year anniversary

     It is the one year anniversary of being on this exciting journey of adoption.  I remember celebrating my 40th birthday while telling family that we were expanding our family.  Something I never thought that would mark such a milestone birthday.  Well, the excitement has not ended.  Now at 41, I want to share the milestone of paperwork completed. :)  It seems so simple, yet so significant in this earthly world.  And like so many things in life, the more you share it, the more you hear yourself saying it, the more real it becomes.  Even with all the paperwork, it doesn't seem real.  This mess of papers laid out all over the dining room table can't come close to representing something beautiful that is about to happen.
     As I mentioned this past year has been full of paperwork.  I am excited to think I have already written my autobiography for my grandchildren to pass down.  I have reflected, analyzed, and recorded more about myself than I ever anticipated.  As I occassionally grumbled, God often reminded me that my writings were my testimony. (2 Timothy 1:8-9)  It was an opportunity to reflect on how God has refined me, delivered me, and equipped me for this new journey.  Scott and I were also asked to write an assignment regarding our own race and nationality.  I have never cared much about what others think till I realized how much of an indirect and direct impact it has on me and how I view and love others.  The educational portion of the home study was also eye-opening as I felt I was given a "manual" on how to care for adopted children.  Honestly, I was only given one manual when my biological children were born, and I think I will use the same one for our adopted child.  The Bible- true, never changing, full of broken people needing a Savior, and it applies to all generations.
     At last I say, our home study is complete.  Our educational component is complete. Our application for Immigration has been filed.  Our dossier (and collection of documents submitted for permission to adopt) is being reviewed, authenticated, translated, and will hopefully arrive in Haiti by January.  It is time to breathe and give God the praise for an amazing year.
     Next year will be God refining and teaching me patience.  As we wait...waiting for governments, waiting for paperwork, waiting for phone calls, and waiting for answers.  But while we wait, we will keep on living!  Trusting in His purpose, His plans, His perfect timing, and all for His glory.

Monday, June 2, 2014

How significant is one?

     I know Easter was two months ago, but it still remains significant in my mind.  The Easter sermon challenged me to think from a historical perspective.  If Easter was erased what would be the implications?- no hospitals, no schools, no dreams, no purpose, no hope, no grace.  It was one decision that changed the world.
     Could my life have the same implications?  I know my decisions don't change the world, but they definitely affect others regardless of what I want or think.  Sometimes I wish I could live on an island and my choices would only affect me, but once again, that isn't true.  It would still affect someone or something in history.  So I embrace that God created me to be in a community of believers.  My choices today are important and will affect someone.  Now it will be my decision to provide a negative impact or a positive impact.
     If we chose not to adopt, what would be the implications?- no paperwork, no fundraising, no interviews, no decisions, no blog.  But my decision could change one person's world.  One more child may hear and experience the love of Jesus.  One more vulnerable child won't be left in the hands of Satan.  One more child won't be stuck in a hopeless situation wandering if God forgot them.  One more child will use their talents and skills to spread the Good News.
     So is a decision important if it only affects one?  Absolutely!  If I was the only sinner, I am confident  my God would died, redeem, and save just this one.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

But for today, I choose.....

     Every minute of our lives we make choices.  Some choices have immediate effects, some are long-term.  Some choices benefits us, some harm us.  Some choices come natural, some choices require years of discernment.  But for today, I choose "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."  Joshua 24:15
     We are excited to announce our journey of adoption. God has allowed us to choose to be in our comfort zone for fourteen years.  Much of our lives have followed "the plan."  It wasn't till a few years ago that I realized it was my plan, and God had only fit nicely into it.  Things came to a screeching halt and I begin asking the dangerous question, "What do you want for my life, God?"  Those plans were beyond my imagination, beyond my comprehension, and beyond my capabilities.... all confirming that those plans weren't mine.  So today, I am choosing to follow God's plans for my life and my family's life and reveal His story of adoption. 
    I pray that you join us in this journey of stepping out of our comfort zone and really treasuring all that God has done, embracing all that He is doing, and praising Him for what He is going to do. I pray that I may be authentic and transparent in sharing our story.  I know that if I am transparent, it will be much easier for you to see God's story and give Him the proper glory.
     So, this is God's story.  And today I choose... to share it.